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Figure 3 | BMC Medical Genomics

Figure 3

From: Cellular dissection of psoriasis for transcriptome analyses and the post-GWAS era

Figure 3

Cluster analysis of 1019 genes elevated in psoriasis lesions and their expression across 10 cell types. We identified 1019 PP-increased DEGs with PP/PN fold-change greater than 1.50 and FDR less than 0.05 (n = 216 patients; Wilcoxon rank sum test). These genes were clustered based upon their expression pattern across 10 cell types (Spearman correlation distance and average linkage). The red-blue heatmap shows expression of genes in each cell type, with red colors indicating relatively high expression (compared to normal human skin) and blue colors indicating relatively low expression (compared to normal human skin). The yellow-black heatmap shows the cell type assigned to each gene (i.e., the cell type for which the gene’s median expression was highest, with detection frequency greater than 10%). The chart on the far right shows the estimated median fold-change (PP/PN) for each gene (n = 216 patients).

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