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Figure 5 | BMC Medical Genomics

Figure 5

From: Impact of sample acquisition and linear amplification on gene expression profiling of lung adenocarcinoma: laser capture micro-dissection cell-sampling versus bulk tissue-sampling

Figure 5

The concordance of differentially expressed probeset rankings between (a) LCM cell-sampling and bulk tissue-sampling datasets at different levels of selection. For the top 10 and top 20 ranked probesets there is high concordance in upregulated probesets (~70%). Concordance levels for both upregulated and down-regulated probesets converge to ~58% for the top 100 ranked probesets. For the LCM, bulk, and linear amplified bulk samples (b), there is consistently strong concordance between bulk and linear amplified bulk rankings of up- and down-regulated probesets (~75%). Concordance values are significantly lower for upregulated probesets between LCM and linear amplified bulk (~58%) or between LCM and bulk samples (~53%). The lowest concordance exists for the ranking of down-regulated probesets between LCM and either bulk or linear amplified bulk samples (~45%).

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