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Table 1 ELSI Issues Raised by Microbiome Research relative to Biobank and Related Studies

From: "Who owns your poop?": insights regarding the intersection of human microbiome research and the ELSI aspects of biobanking and related studies

ELSI Consideration

Nature of concern

New issues introduced by HMB research

Privacy and Confidentiality

- Discrimination and stigmatisation

- Increased scope of disease predisposition testing

- Microbial fingerprints

- Potential knowledge of past exposures


   • For example, predisposition and susceptibility testing



- Respecting autonomy

- Invasiveness of sample collection

- Cultural and personal acceptability of research


   • E.g., research participation of minors (e.g. newborn blood spot collection)

   - E.g., Vaginal and fecal sample collection


- Human dignity

- Benefit sharing

- Samples traditionally considered waste, such as fecal matter


   • E.g., ownership of blood/tissue samples and cell lines

   - E.g., fecal transplant

Return of Results

- Clinical validity

- 'right to know' versus 'right not to know'

- Additional treatment and screening possibilities

Biobank Governance

- Public trust and consideration of societal viewpoints

- Infectious disease


   • E.g., ensuring minority viewpoints are considered



- Resource allocation

- Global health


   • For example, payment and health insurance coverage of genetic tests and pharmacogenomics