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Figure 1 | BMC Medical Genomics

Figure 1

From: Alteration of human blood cell transcriptome in uremia

Figure 1

Differential expression of probe sets between uremic and normal subjects detected by micro-array analysis. (A) Sources of variation estimated in a multifactorial ANOVA model. The y-axis represents signal to noise ratio of the factors. (B) Volcano diagram showing magnitude and direction of change in gene expression. Grey points indicate the probe sets identified by ANOVA alone, and black points indicate the 110 probe sets with a qFDR < 1x10E-12 and |FC| > 2. (C) Unsupervised cluster analysis comparing uremic and normal subjects (squared Euclidean distance, average linkage). Each column represents an experimental subject while each row indicates a probe set. The color in each cell represents standardized log2-gene expression values, red being low and yellow high. (D) Principal component analysis showing separation of uremic and normal subjects.

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