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Table 5 Summary of Westra et al.[32] blood eQTL overlap with eQTL from Webster et al .[29] which were found to have an interaction with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) status as well as those independent of disease status

From: Overlap of expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) in human brain and blood

Effect of diagnosis

Number of overlapping eQTL

Percentage of genes in blood with overlapping eQTL in Webster et al.

Percentage of genes in Webster et al. with overlapping eQTL in blood

Mean number of overlapping SNPs per gene

Mean R 2(blood)1

Mean R 2(Webster et al.)1

Mean distance (kb) of overlapping eSNP from TSS1

AD interaction

67 (1)

1.3 (0)

9 (0.1)



0.20 Cases


0.09 Controls

No interaction

111 (14)

2.2 (1)

15 (1.8)



0.15 Cases


0.13 Controls

  1. 1Only for identical SNP:Gene associations.
  2. Numbers shown in brackets indicate contribution of proxy SNPs to total value. R2 is the proportion of transcript level variance explained by the overlapping SNP.