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Figure 7 | BMC Medical Genomics

Figure 7

From: Using logistic regression to improve the prognostic value of microarray gene expression data sets: application to early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the lung and triple negative breast carcinoma

Figure 7

Scatter plot of individual expression values of gene CD79A plotted against durations of survival. Only stage I and II cases are shown; the survival data, including right-censored cases, are as given in GSE4573. Shown are data points that are based on time of death (filled circles) or right censored survival based on last clinical visit, shown as filled squares. The data points interconnected by lines are from the two groups of 20 cases (early deaths and long term survivors) which were used for the validation test shown in Figure 8. The smooth curve portrays a Lowess fit to all data points. Cases that were often not correctly predicted by the leave-one-out validation test in Figure 8 are also indicated (filled triangles). The durations of survival for these poorly predicted cases were all based on known time of death, except for the longest surviving case.

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