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Fig. 8 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 8

From: Comprehensive discovery of subsample gene expression components by information explanation: therapeutic implications in cancer

Fig. 8

Discovery of new targets: regulatory microRNAs and EMT. a One factor was observed to show a bias toward a difference in long-term survival. Though its survival differential was not significant alone, when put into a model combined with the factor for immune chemokine signaling, the resulting survival association was substantially greater and exceeded that of every other tested pair for that run. b Breast cancer samples were mapped to CorEx factors learned from ovarian tumors and demonstrate a survival difference for this factor. c The group contains a small network related to microRNAs in cancer, chromatin modification, and stem cell differentiation. Work in breast cancer associates the network with a cellular EMT phenotype and increased aggressiveness and metastasis of breast tumors. EMT features have been shown to be influenced through regulation by TET3 of the demethylase DNMT3A and represent a potential for development of new therapies targeting the regulatory microRNA miR-22

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