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Fig. 1 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Platform-independent gene expression signature differentiates sessile serrated adenomas/polyps and hyperplastic polyps of the colon

Fig. 1

Examples illustrating the new feature selection step. a The fold change in both platforms was larger than the within-phenotype variability and the correlation coefficient between platforms (ρ true ) was high; b when phenotypic labels in part A were randomly resampled, the fold change in both platforms became negligible as compared to the within-phenotype variability and the correlation coefficient between platforms (ρ random ) became low. c The fold change in both platforms was smaller than the within-phenotype variability and the correlation coefficient between platforms (ρ true ) was low; d when phenotypic labels in part C were randomly resampled, the correlation coefficient (ρ random ) was low

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