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Fig. 1 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Modeling breast cancer progression to bone: how driver mutation order and metabolism matter

Fig. 1

Plot of the number of cell populations in function of the time. The 3 tissues are shown in the columns ordered from left to right following the cell traversing. All the combinations of ordered (w/ order) and unordered (w/o order) mutation dynamics together with drug (w/ drug) and without drug (w/o drug) administration are considered and shown in rows. Each curve represents the subā€“population of cells with a specific number of driver mutations: md=0 is red, md=1 is green, md=2 is pink, md=3 is blue, and md=4 is yellow. The event of the drug administration is at time tdrug which is marked with a vertical line for easier comparison. The target of the drug, Eqs. 4a and 4b, and the compartment affected is shown at the bottom

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