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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Islet-expressed circular RNAs are associated with type 2 diabetes status in human primary islets and in peripheral blood

Fig. 3

Differential expression of circZKSCAN1 in peripheral blood of T2D participants Peripheral blood circRNA levels are given here for non-diabetic samples (labelled in mid-grey; n = 133), samples from individuals who have overt diabetes (labelled in black; n = 106) and those with impaired glucose tolerance IGT (labelled in light grey; n = 46). Relative expression of circRNAs is given on the Y axis and was quantified relative to the geometric mean across all samples, since endogenous control genes alone did not provide a stable baseline. Statistical significance in difference of expression between early and late passage cells is indicated by stars. * = < 0.05, ** = < 0.005, *** = < 0.001

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