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Fig. 1 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 1

From: LncRNA weighted gene co-expression network analysis reveals novel biomarkers related to prostate cancer metastasis

Fig. 1

WGCNA of lncRNAs for PRAD. A Topological overlap matrix plot showing the lncRNA co-expression network (yellow part) and the modules based on co-expression network (left and up). On a linear scale, the depth of the yellow color and the intensity of the relevance between the pairs of modules have a positive correlation. Each column and row represent a lncRNA. B Clustering dendrograms of lncRNAs based on the topological overlap and the assigned module colors. Four co-expression modules were constructed with different colors, and the height reflects the affinity of individual lncRNAs. C Heatmap plot for the adjacencies in the eigengene network. Red represents positive correlation, and blue represents negative correlation. D ME of Module yellow-metastasis relationships. E ME of Module yellow- disease progression relationships

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