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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Identifying potential biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of IgA nephropathy based on bioinformatics analysis

Fig. 3

GO terms and KEGG pathways enrichment analyses of DEGs. (A-C) The bubble diagram of GO terms enrichment analyse. (A) BP terms. (B) CC terms. (C) MF terms. The x-axis indicates the gene ratio and the y-axis indicates GO terms. Distinct point shapes indicate distinct different categories and bubble size indicates gene count. Coloring indicates -log10(p value) with higher in red and lower in green. (D)The bubble plot of KEGG pathway analyse [18,19,20]. The x‐axis represents gene ratio and the y‐axis represents KEGG pathway. Bubble size indicates gene count and color indicates –log10(p value) with higher in red and lower in green

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