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Table 4 WES and WGS samples used in different concordance experiments

From: Analytical validation of whole exome and whole genome sequencing for clinical applications


WES comparison sets

WGS comparison sets

Intra-run reproducibility

NA12878: r1-1-1 vs. r1-1-2

NA12878: r1-1-1 vs. r1-1-3


NA18507: r2-1-2 vs. r2-1-3

NA18507: r2-1-3 vs. r2-1-4

Inter-run reproducibility

NA18507: r2-1-2 vs. r3-1-2

NA18507: r2-1-3 vs. r3-1-3


NA18507: r2-1-3 vs. r3-1-2

NA18507: r2-1-4 vs. r3-1-3


NA12878: r1-1-1 vs. r2-1-1 vs. r3-1-1

NA12878: r1-1-1 vs. r2-1-1 vs. r3-1-1


NA12878: r2-2-1 vs. r3-2-1

Inter-machine reproducibility

NA12878: r3-1-1 vs. r3-2-1

NA12878: r3-1-1 vs. r3-2-1


NA12878: r4-1-1 vs. r4-2-1

NA12878: r2-1-1 vs. r2-2-1


NA18507: r4-1-2 vs. r4-2-2


Inter-mode reproducibility

NA12878, NA18507, NA12891, NA12892 r4-*-* versus all others