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Figure 2 | BMC Medical Genomics

Figure 2

From: Meta-analysis of prostate cancer gene expression data identifies a novel discriminatory signature enriched for glycosylating enzymes

Figure 2

Differential expression of a 71-gene signature classifier in a prostate cancer exon-array dataset (Taylor et al. ) and the TCGA RNA-seq dataset for prostate cancer (TCGA-PRAD). The expression values of the 71-gene signature (dist.0.6.34) capable of subclustering localised prostate cancer from other samples in all three interrogated datasets are shown in two independent datasets, A. a prostate cancer exon-array dataset (Taylor et al.) and B. TCGA RNA-seq dataset for prostate cancer (TCGA-PRAD) were used. Values were log2 normalized and the mean of the sample groups (PRIMARY TUMOUR/SOLID TISSUE NORMAL) is shown.

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