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Fig. 2 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Absolute measurement of the tissue origins of cell-free DNA in the healthy state and following paracetamol overdose

Fig. 2

Analysis of Cre recombination in tissues of knockout mouse lines. a ddPCR measurement of 1lox allele and 2lox allele in tissues where recombination was expected vs. not expected for each knockout line (n > 10 mice for each line). p-value obtained from a Mann-Whitney U test b Representative images for confirmation of Cre recombination in tissues shown by fluorescence imaging. Left to right: liver of a AlbCre;mT/mG mouse, liver of a mT/mG mouse, heart of a cTnTCre;mT/mG mouse, heart of a mT/mG mouse. Green colour in the tissues derived from the expression of mG, and red from mT. c Representative bar charts of % recombination showing specificity of Cre recombination in a hepatocyte- and cardiomyocyte-specific knockout mouse across many tissues shown by ddPCR assay

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