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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Profiling non-coding RNA levels with clinical classifiers in pediatric Crohn’s disease

Fig. 3

Crohn’s disease location DE ncRNAs. a Using n = 89 DE ncRNAs from CD versus controls in ileal samples, principal components were calculated and PC1 was used to visualize clustering of inflammation status on different disease location. b DE analysis compared using two groups. One was comprised of: L1 (51) + L3 (147) representing Inflamed, n = 198, versus non-inflamed (20), which resulted in n = 31 DE ncRNAs. The second comparative group consisted of L1 (n = 51) + L3 (n = 147) representing Inflamed, (n = 198), versus non-inflamed (47) (20 + L2 (27), resulting in 21 DE ncRNAs. c The volcano plots representation of DE analysis for both the comparisons. d, e To represent the DE ncRNAs according to location and inflammation status, normalized by log10(FPM) of 31 DE ncRNAs obtained from L1 + L3 ileal inflamed groups versus non-inflamed ileal groups (without L2) in CD patients, are compared in boxplots; similar comparison was made with 21 DE ncRNAs obtained from L1 + L3 ileal inflamed groups versus non-inflamed + L2 ileal groups in CD patients (f, g)

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