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Fig. 9 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 9

From: Comprehensive research into prognostic and immune signatures of transcription factor family in breast cancer

Fig. 9

Correlation between prognostic model and TIME. A Relationship between immune infiltration scores (including Stromal score, Immune score, and ESTIMATE score) and risk score; B comparison of immune infiltration scores (including Stromal score, Immune score, and ESTIMATE score) between low-risk and high-risk groups; C correlations between risk model and tumor-infiltrating immune cells (TIICs); D comparisons of TIICs between low-risk and high-risk groups; E association between risk score and immune checkpoints; F comparison of six immune checkpoints between low-risk and high-risk groups; G association between risk score and chemotactic factors; H comparison of six chemotactic factors between low-risk and high-risk groups

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