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Fig. 6 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 6

From: The identification of a two-gene prognostic model based on cisplatin resistance-related ceRNA network in small cell lung cancer

Fig. 6

The immune infiltrating analysis of the risk groups in SCLC. A In George dataset, landscape of different immune cell subtypes for each sample (n = 77). B In George dataset, the differences in the level of 22 immune cell infiltration between high-risk group (n = 26) and low-risk group (n = 51). C Macrophages M0 cell infiltration with significantly different levels between the high risk group and low risk group. D T follicular helper cells infiltration with significantly different levels between the high risk group and low risk group. E Pearson correlation analysis of T follicular helper cells infiltration and risk score of each SCLC sample

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