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Fig. 5 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 5

From: BNIPL is a promising biomarker of laryngeal cancer: novel insights from bioinformatics analysis and experimental validation

Fig. 5

Analysis of hub genes. (A) GO enrichment chord map, including three parts: logFC is fold-change of genes; other columns are the GO term, and the different links of the gene indicate whether the gene is in this GO term. (B) Principal component analysis of hub genes. PC1 and PC2 on the axes in the figure are the first and second principal components (the variance explanation rate of differences by potential variables); Dots represent samples, and different colors represent different groups. (C) Expression of ridgeline plot of hub gene. The horizontal coordinate is the gene expression, the shape of the mountain represents the dispersion between a set of data, and the height is the number of samples corresponding to the gene expression

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