Edited by Danny Krizanc, Ion Mandoiu, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Pavel Skums, Alex Zelikovsky and Shaojie Zhang.
Other articles from this conference have been published as supplements in BMC Bioinformatics and BMC Genomics.
Volume 12 Supplement 4
Publication of this supplement has not been supported by sponsorship. Information about the source of funding for publication charges can be found in the individual articles. The articles have undergone the journal's standard peer review process for supplements. The Supplement Editors declare that they have no competing interests.
Orlando, FL, USA19-21 October 2017
Edited by Danny Krizanc, Ion Mandoiu, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Pavel Skums, Alex Zelikovsky and Shaojie Zhang.
Other articles from this conference have been published as supplements in BMC Bioinformatics and BMC Genomics.
Ultra-Deep Sequencing (UDS) enabled identification of specific changes in human genome occurring in malignant tumors, with current approaches calling for the detection of specific mutations associated with cer...
Citation Impact 2023
Journal Impact Factor: 2.1
5-year Journal Impact Factor: 2.5
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.581
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.703
Speed 2023
Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 34
Submission to acceptance (median days): 164
Usage 2023
Downloads: 1,335,753
Altmetric mentions: 593
The following summary describes the peer review process for this journal:
Identity transparency: Single anonymized
Reviewer interacts with: Editor
Review information published: Review reports. Reviewer Identities reviewer opt in. Author/reviewer communication